2020 Film Challenge

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Author: Deleted author
Title: 1908 Springfield Race Riot Memorial
Category: Justice & equity
Description: This video was created to explain and promote a design concept for a new memorial in Springfield, Illinois that memorializes the lives and property that were lost during the 1908 race riots in that community. The memorial recognizes the still-open wound of racism and honors the humanity of the thousands of black people driven from the city as a result of the riots, and the lives lost. Dozens of homes were destroyed during this horrific event; the memorial design concept marks the solemn locations of the homes that were destroyed while telling the harsh, true history of an event many Americans have never heard of. The memorial’s design shared through this video recognizes the critical impact the 1908 Springfield Race Riot had on Civil Rights, as a foundational event in the birth of the NAACP. This sacred place will become a destination and cultural landmark, welcoming the public and inviting them to enter this poignant story, seeking to educate current and future generations and allow reflection on this moment in time.
Votes: 95
Views: 1585