2019 Film Challenge

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Author: Deleted author
Title: Learning Organisms, Floral Collectives
Description: Everything around us has changed these past years, but the spaces we inhabit are structured in the same way they were 50 years ago. Recent changes ask for structures that are not only sustainable, but have the ability to regenerate their environments. Meriem Sakrouhi and Mario Serrano are architects that started 33M, a practice focused on designing a sustainable and resilient building typology that adapts to the social and climatic needs of today. They have engaged community leaders that are knowledgeable in the fields of sustainability, resiliency, and community engagement in the design of this building type. The goal is to mimic biological models to achieve higher efficiencies through the use of tools that are now available thanks to new technologies such as 3D printing and AI robotics. This video documents parts of their conversations with the community leaders and how these nurture their design process.
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