NewestOldestMost votedLeast votesAll Categories- Select CategoryAccessibilityAffordable HousingCommunity RevitalizationDiversity and InclusionEmpowering LivesHomelessnessInspired by NaturePreservation and RepurposingSocial Impact DesignSustainabilityPast/Presence: Saving the S...Deleted author Affordable Housing 6418 300Past/Presence: Saving the Spring Gard...Deleted author Affordable Housing 6418 300Past/Presence: Saving the S...Deleted author Affordable Housing 6418 300Chicago Mobile MakersDeleted author Diversity and Inclusion 5892 1002Chicago Mobile MakersDeleted author Diversity and Inclusion 5892 1002Chicago Mobile MakersDeleted author Diversity and... 5892 1002BLACK ARCHITECTS IN THE MAK...Deleted author Diversity and Inclusion 8377 1218BLACK ARCHITECTS IN THE MAKING [BAM]Deleted author Diversity and Inclusion 8377 1218BLACK ARCHITECTS IN THE MAK...Deleted author Diversity and... 8377 12187933 Tree LaneDeleted author Affordable Housing 6407 5687933 Tree LaneDeleted author Affordable Housing 6407 5687933 Tree LaneDeleted author Affordable Housing 6407 568ChildSafe: Designed to HealDeleted author Empowering Lives 5302 371ChildSafe: Designed to HealDeleted author Empowering Lives 5302 371ChildSafe: Designed to HealDeleted author Empowering Lives 5302 371Universal Life - A Memphis ...Deleted author Social Impact Design 8260 946Universal Life - A Memphis LegacyDeleted author Social Impact Design 8260 946Universal Life - A Memphis ...Deleted author Social Impact... 8260 946Champions of DiversityDeleted author Social Impact Design 7778 1578Champions of DiversityDeleted author Social Impact Design 7778 1578Champions of DiversityDeleted author Social Impact... 7778 1578A Joyful Gathering PlaceDeleted author Diversity and Inclusion 10494 2191A Joyful Gathering PlaceDeleted author Diversity and Inclusion 10494 2191A Joyful Gathering PlaceDeleted author Diversity and... 10494 2191Stalled! The VideoDeleted author Social Impact Design 4187 38Stalled! The VideoDeleted author Social Impact Design 4187 38Stalled! The VideoDeleted author Social Impact... 4187 38Ka Hale: A RevivalDeleted author Community Revitalization 19451 7443Ka Hale: A RevivalDeleted author Community Revitalization 19451 7443Ka Hale: A RevivalDeleted author Community... 19451 7443Bonton : A Beacon of HopeDeleted author Empowering Lives 11068 3019Bonton : A Beacon of HopeDeleted author Empowering Lives 11068 3019Bonton : A Beacon of HopeDeleted author Empowering Lives 11068 3019Freedom to PlayDeleted author Empowering Lives 5776 869Freedom to PlayDeleted author Empowering Lives 5776 869Freedom to PlayDeleted author Empowering Lives 5776 869Driving Change: Omaha'...Deleted author Empowering Lives 4042 188Driving Change: Omaha's Mobile L...Deleted author Empowering Lives 4042 188Driving Change: Omaha'...Deleted author Empowering Lives 4042 188Station FourDeleted author Community Revitalization 120464 6337Station FourDeleted author Community Revitalization 120464 6337Station FourDeleted author Community... 120464 6337The BLOCK Project : SeattleDeleted author Homelessness 5197 253The BLOCK Project : SeattleDeleted author Homelessness 5197 253The BLOCK Project : SeattleDeleted author Homelessness 5197 253Riverside Community GardenDeleted author - Select Category 6487 827Riverside Community GardenDeleted author - Select Category 6487 827Riverside Community GardenDeleted author - Select Category 6487 827